Page Title


Setup shopify standard (Rp. 4Jt)

  • Instalasi theme
  • Jasa input 30 product
  • Jasa input page content
  • Jasa install 2 apps
  • Settings domain ke shopify
  • Settings shipping & payment
  • Free system support selama 6 bulan

Setup shopify + design (Rp. 7Jt)

  • Instalasi theme + Design
  • Jasa input 30 product
  • Jasa input page content
  • Jasa install 3 apps
  • Settings domain ke shopify
  • Settings shipping & payment
  • Free system support selama 6 bulan
  • Custom email notification

Extra fitur
(Variation / Adjust)

  • Penambahan fitur-fitur custom (Example: pembuatan aplikasi)

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